Remote monitoring in investigation of illegal cabins of forest plantings

  • Vasileva M. A.

    Vladivostok branch of Far East legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The territory of the Far East federal district has extensive stocks of forest resources, but crime indicators in the field of violation of the forest legislation are high. Information systems of space monitoring in the territory of the Far East federal district play an important role in ensuring protection of forest resources. Increase of efficiency of application of data of space monitoring is promoted by creation of the center of remote monitoring at the regional level for the purpose of ensuring carrying out expeditious actions for suppression of forest fires, lesozashchit, to identification and suppression of illegal cabins of forest plantings and other offenses in forest fund.

Keywords: illegal cabin, space monitoring, information systems, fire, crime.